Bay Area Office Plants

Do you want a complete range of indoor plant services for your indoor landscaping? You can through our location of Bay Area office plants.  Imagine having healthy plants that thrive because they get loving care, including water and food from professionals who provide plant rental San Francisco.

Bay Area Office Plants

Taking care of plants in an office is no joke. Overwatering is one of the big no-nos in plant care, along with over-pruning, disease, bugs of all kinds, and bad lighting. 

House Beautiful says, To maximize plant’s air-purifying benefits, get as many plants as you can, of all different kinds, and scatter them throughout every room in your house or office, including the bathroom, where a lot of cleaner fumes get trapped. 

Indoor Plants improves Air Quality

According to Earth911, there are five benefits to having indoor plants in your office.

1.     Improves air quality by filtering out harmful pollutants

2.     plants in the office can reduce stress.

3.     Plants increase productivity

4.     Makes rooms more comfortable

5.     Helps you focus on eco-friendly living

Without plants, we could be breathing Trichloroethylene from printing inks, Formaldehyde from wood paneling, and synthetic fabrics, Benzene used in making plastics and synthetic fibers, Xylene used in the making of rubber and paint, and Ammonia used in glass cleaning fluids. Those chemicals have all sorts of unhealthy side effects. That would be trouble for those with asthma or other breathing problems.

Effect of Plants on Indoor Oxygen Levels

The San Francisco paper SFGate had this to say in “Effect of Plants on Indoor Oxygen Levels,” Common houseplants can improve indoor air quality by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Many common houseplants also can remove traces of toxic chemicals from the air.”

Healthy plants growing under the right conditions produce more oxygen than they consume and remove harmful trace pollutants from the air. One of the leading environmental factors limiting oxygen production in indoor plants is light. The Plant Escape is an expert at choosing indoor plants to match the light conditions.

While we are focusing on plant rental San Francisco and being healthy, we must practice COVID-19 safe practices. Our friendly and responsive staff follow strict guidelines regarding health and safety. They must wear a mask, follow frequent handwashing, regularly clean their equipment, like watering cans, hand tools, etc. and practice social distancing.

The Plant Escape

If you want the right company for San Francisco office plants, call The Plant Escape.  The Plant Escape is owned and operated by Ted and Elizabeth Mark. They originally founded the organization in 1992, with one mission in mind: To provide superior products and professional services in a manner that exceeds their clients' expectations.

The Plant Escape has also succeeded in maintaining its operations without devastating the environment achieved through responsible practices in plant purchasing and regeneration, composting, using environmentally friendly pest control, and continued recycling.

Today, with over 40 years of combined professional experience, The Plant Escape continues to flourish and maintain the company's commitment to excellence by providing:







Please contact us for further information.



Matthew Upton