Indoor Plants Are Great for Our Mental Health

We spend so many of our waking hours inside of buildings, especially now, while spending time in lockdown. Living plants can do a great job cleaning up the indoor air. We think it’s time to consider adding potted plants inside the buildings where we are spending so many of our waking hours — and indoor plants are great for our mental health.

According to Psychology Today, “Scientific research tells us that green leafy plants help boost our mood. If there are nearby plants, we also seem to get along better with others. For many of us, most of the time, those two benefits are reason enough to test out our green thumbs with a few houseplants. We also feel better physically when we’re around plants — a good reason to bring a potted plant to your great aunt in an assisted living facility or the hospital.”

Indoor Plants Are Great for Our Mental Health

Being near indoor potted plants helps us to de-stress and restock our stores of mental processing power. De-stressing is probably the main benefit people think of when talking about houseplants and mental health. Having green plants around helps to reduce feelings of anxiety, and they can help lower your blood pressure too.

Another aspect of reducing stress is that houseplants can help speed healing or recovery from illness, mainly by creating a relaxing atmosphere and improving the air.

The presence of green leafy plants enhances our creative thinking by helping us stay focused and motivated at the same time. 

According to the Practical Planter, Another mental benefit of keeping houseplants is that great feeling you get from taking care of a living thing and having it thrive. Watching new leaves open up, or being able to coax out a lovely blossom is a wonderful feeling that will give your mood a boost.

When you feel good, your mental health improves. The tangible physical benefits from having a few plants around, increase the air quality. Toxins and contaminants in the air come from chemicals found in our everyday routines, such as cleaning products, treated wood, and even the fabrics in upholstery, bedding, and clothing. Compounds like formaldehyde, benzene, and toluene are found in just about any home and office these days, along with excess carbon dioxide. These compounds can cause a number of reactions in people, such as headaches, dizziness, asthma, and fatigue. Indoor plants filter the air ridding the space of indoor pollution.

What Are Some of the Best Indoor Plants FOR Mental health?

1.    Snake Plant - A NASA study from 1989 showed just how effective the snake plant could be at reducing toxins and pollution from the atmosphere. Keep on in your office to help purify the air and improve your rest.

2.    Lavender - There are many medical benefits for keeping this plant in your house. Having one in the office can help with restlessness, nervousness, anxiety, depression, and even lower your heart rate. 

3.    Rosemary - You will find Rosemary oil in many aromatherapy shops as it is said to improve memory and concentration. 

4.    Peace Lily - ranks highly as a proficient air cleaner. Able to filter harmful substances like ammonia or benzene., 

5.    English Ivy – The ivy acts as a natural filter for dust, mold, and other air particles. 

6.    Jasmine – Anxious? Have some jasmine near you, and let the sweet and fragrant perfume soothe your anxiety.

7.    Red-Edged Dracaena -  thought to promote relaxation and help reduce stress

All indoor plants have a tolerance for various light conditions.  Let Ted and Elizabeth Mark,  founders of The Plant Escape, work with you for the best plants for your office environment

Please contact us for more information


Matthew Upton