Interior Plant Maintenance Services

Interior plant maintenance services by expert and experienced interior plant technicians are our specialty. The Plant Escape is a premier indoor plant service company in San Francisco and the Bay area providing indoor plant maintenance for commercial & residential offices.

Our friendly and responsive staff follow strict guidelines regarding health and safety. They are required to wear a mask, follow frequent hand washing regimen, regularly clean their equipment, like watering cans, hand tools, etc., and practice social distancing. 

Interior Plant Maintenance Services

If you want the right company to show your clients and employees that you care about their health, call The Plant Escape. The tangible physical benefits from having a few plants around, increase the air quality. Did you know that toxins and contaminants in the air come from chemicals found in our everyday routines, such as cleaning products, treated wood, and even the fabrics in upholstery, bedding, and clothing? 

Compounds like formaldehyde, benzene, and toluene are found in just about any home and office these days, along with excess carbon dioxide. These compounds can cause many people to experience headaches, dizziness, asthma, and fatigue. Indoor plants filter the air ridding the space of indoor pollution.

Formaldehyde from wood paneling and synthetic fabrics is one of the more common indoor air pollutants. It can irritate your eyes, may cause headaches, a burning sensation in the throat, and difficulty breathing. Benzene in the air, used in making plastics and synthetic fibers, is classified as a carcinogen, which increases the risk of cancer and other illnesses. It is also a notorious cause of bone marrow failure. In addition, you’ll find Ammonia, another air pollutant, used in glass cleaning fluids, classified in the United States as an extremely hazardous substance.

The Plant Escape is owned and operated by Ted and Elizabeth Mark. They originally founded the organization in 1992, with one mission in mind: To provide superior products and professional services in a manner that exceeds their clients' expectations.

Interior Plant Maintenance Services Company

Today, with over 40 years of combined professional experience, The Plant Escape continues to flourish and maintain the company's commitment to excellence by providing interior plant maintenance services that include regular watering, pruning, fertilizing, and a dusting of plants.

Even if you have a green thumb, most people do not have the time to maintain plants, clean them, dust, them, treat them, etc. At The Plant Escape, we can assist you with proven techniques and methods to help your plants thrive in harsh environments lacking in humidity, temperature, light, and space, etc. We will happily provide free design consultations, along with a formal proposal for plant rentals, installation of plants, and containers.

We have a wide selection of quality specimen plants and orchids for every light condition. You can browse our catalog and make your plant choices for your room conditions or have us make recommendations,

Let Ted and Elizabeth Mark, founders of The Plant Escape, work with you for the best plants for your office environment

Please contact us for further information:

PHONE: 415-564-5212


Matthew Upton