Bay Area Plant Maintenance

Bay Area Plant Maintenance


Indoor plants give us pleasant feelings at home or in the office. They help us relax our minds and increase our focus at work. Plants provide a healthy environment. As they go through their cycle of life, plants turn carbon dioxide into oxygen, and in the process, remove pollutants and toxins from the air. Cigarette smoke, household cleaning chemicals, off-gassing from building materials, and dust and pollens are all filtered out by houseplants as they release healthy oxygen into the air. Plants are a blessing. Getting Bay Area Plant Maintenance for decorative plants is essential.

What is Bay Area Plant Maintenance  

·      Watering the indoor plants - Plants mostly needs water to survive. But it is hard for plants to tolerate both excess and lack of water. So it is essential to maintain the appropriate quantity of water in the soil.  The soil should be kept moist, not wet. Excess watering creates stress in plants. Plants may not be able to handle the waterlogging, and the roots may die. On the other hand, if the soil is too dry and becomes hard, it will create drought conditions. Plants will die for lack of water.

·      Proper Humid Condition - Plants need proper humidity. If the environment around them is too humid, the plant will find it difficult to transpire. Then it will face suffocation. Transpiration is a metabolic process of plants. They have to perform it for proper growth and development. In summer, humidity is higher than in the winter. Plants can easily transpire excess water in the winter. In the summer, transpiration is a little more complicated. A Bay Area Plant Maintenance company would make sure there is airflow to adjust the humidity. 

·      Sunlight for Indoor Plants - For photosynthesis and energy production, plants need light. A Bay Area Plant Maintenance would suggest the proper plants for the lighting conditions

·      Food for Indoor Plants - Plants need nutrients like nitrogen,
potassium, phosphorus are essential to plants for survival. So regular fertilization is necessary. Plants show symptoms like yellowing leaves, defoliation, deformative structures are symptoms of lacking nutrients.

·      Reshaping indoor plants – Indoor plants do not maintain a regular shape and size as they grow. This may lead to a haphazard look. Regular training and pruning are essential for managing the appearance of the plant. Vigorously growing plants need reshaping at regular intervals. A Bay Area Plant Maintenance will remove extra branches, dead branches, dead leaves, or flowers.

Who Provides Bay Area Plant Maintenance?

By now, you may be wondering who offers Bay Area Plant Maintenance? The Plant Escape does. The Plant Escape is owned and operated by Ted and Elizabeth Mark. They founded the organization in 1992, with one mission in mind: To provide superior products and professional services in a manner that exceeds their clients' expectations.

At The Plant Escape, we can assist you with proven techniques and methods to help your plants thrive in harsh environments like lack of humidity, temperature, light, and space, etc. 

Today, with over 40 years of combined professional experience, The Plant Escape continues to flourish and maintain the company's commitment to excellence.

We will happily provide free design consultations upon request, a proposal for plant maintenance or rentals, the installation of plants, and containers.

Please contact us for further information:

PHONE: 415-564-5212



Matthew Upton