Indoor Plant Design

Today, the use of plants in modern interior design is getting more and more popular. Indoor plant design is a way of arranging and creating a space for living plants in an indoor environment. The benefits of plants can be a powerful and beautiful presence in your home or office, so creating an indoor plant design can make your space more beautiful and functional.

Several Benefits of Having Plants in Your Homes or Offices:

  • Plants help reduce stress and anxiety: They can also help you lower your blood pressure and feel calmer.

  • They can help you sleep better: some plants give off oxygen at night, allowing you to sleep better.

  • They filter the air: Plants improve the quality of the air through a natural filtering process, helping you breathe easier

  • Plants can increase productivity: Plants help you stay more focused and improve your creativity, memory, and mood.

  • Plants help fight colds and allergies: Plants increase humidity and decrease dust in the environment, helping fight colds. For allergies, you need to care for your plants if you want them to help you. Clean them regularly to avoid dust accumulation.

  • The best plants for allergies are Lilies, Mums, Golden pothos, Gerbera, Bamboo palm, and Arena palm.


Indoor Plant Design

 Indoor planting is more than going to a nursery, picking out plants for the home or office, and then plopping them down without regard for lighting or humidity. Here are a few indoor designs that bring interest to n area:

1.     CREATE A CENTREPIECE WITH FERNS - Every dining table needs a beautiful centerpiece to elevate the ambiance.

2.     USE PLANTS AS PICTURES - View plants from a different perspective by using them as living art with clever frames to house pairs of plants.

3.     HANG THEM UP HIGH – remember the fern bars? A conservatory look brings the outside in with tons of fresh foliage if you've got the ceiling space.

4.     MIX YOUR POTS - When it comes to pots for your plants, it's easy to add a playful vibe to your space with bold colors and fun shapes.

5.     DESIGN A LEAFY DIVIDER - Need to cozy up or zone an open-plan living space? Then try using a group of large container plants as a divider.


The Plant Escape is owned and operated by Ted and Elizabeth Mark. They originally founded the organization in 1992 with one mission in mind: To provide superior products and professional services in a manner that exceeds their clients' expectations.

The Plant Escape and Plant Rental San Francisco welcome your questions regarding indoor plants and their health benefits. We provide indoor plants for various lighting conditions and have an abundance of indoor plants, including the best plants recommended for offices that filter indoor office pollution. The Plant Escape looks forward to working with you


Please get in touch with us for further information:

PHONE: 415-564-5212

Matthew Upton