Interior Plantscaping San Francisco

What is “plantscaping”? Prepare yourself for it is much more than bringing plants indoors; experts say it’s about the strategic placement and selection of plant species within an architectural project to highlight and enhance aspects of spatial design. Plantscaping may sound like a made-up word someone created to distinguish the field from landscaping, but we promise, there’s a reason for the choice! While interior plantscaping San Francisco and landscaping may seem similar on the surface, as they both deal with plants, the two fields have entirely different focuses.

Interior plantscaping San Francisco is an all-encompassing term that refers to the arrangement, integration, and maintenance of plants inside and immediately around a building in our favorite city. While it is also called interior landscaping, interior plantscaping fundamentally differs from landscaping, which focuses on plants’ integration with each other and exterior elements in an outdoor space.


Interior Plantscaping San Francisco Has a Lot of Benefits:

  • Cleaner air–plants are natural air purifiers, processing the toxins in the air and putting out pure CO

  • Mood boosters–having a space with plants promotes a good vibe for any space

  • Mold reduction–plants can naturally decrease harmful mold

  • Increased sales– plants in a retail space encourage customer sales

  • Increased productivity–when using plants in the workspace, employees have a reprieve from technology, allowing them to reset and recharge

  • Employee retention–employees that work in a biodiverse environment tend to be happier, leading to employee retention

  • Cost-effective–with the right plants, you make a more significant impact, more economically, than with new furniture or architectural elements.

  • Adds curb appeal–in temperate climates, potted plants and trees can completely revive a tired exterior


There are Three Main Steps in the Design, Selection, and Installation of Your Interior Plantscaping San Francisco:


·       Design: Interior plantscaping San Francisco design focuses much more on architecture and interior design, analyzing how certain plants and containers will fit in with a concept based on the angles, horizons, colors, and focal points of the installation. While it may seem simple, choosing the plant with the right color combination, textures, and care needs for the application is difficult and often overlaps with the next phase of plantscaping.

·       Selection: Interior plantscaping San Francisco plant selection is essential for design and installation. Selecting the right plant will affect both the design's success and the installation’s long-term success. Any chosen plant must not only fit the aesthetic needs of the design but also be able to tolerate the conditions where planted, from the soil composition and light exposure to the watering schedule and air conditions. In addition, we don’t want the plants to outgrow the application, so the plant must meet specific size requirements.

·       Installation: The final step of interior plantscaping is installation, which often includes continuing care for the plants. When your plants in the installation have appropriate containers and lighting, we assure you that your plantings will thrive. 

The Plant Escape and Plant Rental San Francisco welcomes your questions regarding indoor plants and their health benefits. We provide indoor plants for various lighting conditions and have an abundance of indoor plants, including the best plants recommended for offices that filter indoor office pollution. The most effective plants filtering the air are Dracaenas, Palms, Aglaonema, and Spathiphyllum.” The Plant Escape looks forward to working with you


Please get in touch with us for further information:

PHONE: 415-564-5212

Matthew Upton